Friday, February 1, 2013

Political Potpouri

(1.) The Obama administration has practiced no self-restraint when it comes to commandeering the auto industry, trying to control and limit our exercise of second amendment rights, trampling boldly and broadly on our first amendment rights, and hijacking health care.  This administration has no trouble at all extending its reach into broad areas of human life that the Constitution sequesters from it.  But it simply cannot find the will to do the things the Constitution requires, like securing the borders.  Indeed, it will sue the states that, desperate for the border control the federal government refuses to provide, try to provide it for themselves.

(2.) The number of those no longer in the work force has grown by 8.5 million under Obama.  Those millions hoped for change, but the change they got wasn't the change they hoped for.  Oh yeah, those 8.5 million aren't counted in the unemployment percentage, so even if their number grew to 18.5 million, government unemployment numbers might still actually improve, at which time the gov't would declare it all a rousing success, and the benighted American voters would reward the economic wrecking crew by sending them back into office.

(3.) At this moment in time, because of the staggering ignorance of the American voter, America is becoming Detroit.  Our electorate seems incapable of continued self-government.  I say this so that you will know what your public schools produce.  Save your country.  Home school.  If you are a Democrat, you don’t need to home school.  All you need to do is send Suzy and Johnny off each morning to the local socialist indoctrination facility where the teachers, the principal, and the NEA will produce millions of mind-numbed little lefties for you.
(4.) Tax rates and other anti-business government policies stifle investment and, therefore, job production.  So, when Obama changes his policies, businesses will gladly invest the (literally) trillions of dollars they now prudently are holding in reserve. But BHO won't do that. He's too busy trying to put the coal industry out of business and investing in green energy offerings that keep dying.  He is anti-business, and he's getting what he wants -- less and less big business.  And if, despite the current bad investment environment, some courageous, insightful, and hard-working entrepreneurs still succeed building up a thriving business against all odds, he'll tell them that they didn't build that.  He's bad for America in more ways than anyone can count.  Period.

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